

We are an engineering company that develops and markets highly innovative and efficient portable analytical solutions, with a sustainable and practical vision of quality control and safety in various processes and products.

We offer alternative solutions to conventional analysis methods through non-destructive, clean and fast technologies.


Our mission is to enable NIR-visible intelligence technology and adapt it to specific applications in the market, thus being able to provide relevant information quickly and easily to the end-user. Our activity is aimed at the forestry sector, the market for wood products and derivatives, biomass, the market for art and cultural heritage, and geographical indications of products.


We believe in transferring spectroscopy from laboratories to the production system, which allows faster decision-making and reduces supervision costs and delays in operation, through a precise, non-invasive and portable measurement tool.



Edificio Tándem, Paseo Miramón 170
20014 Donostia - San Sebastián

+34 617 769 888
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